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james caperton - mystc trucking software





James Caperton
Member Sales & Technological Product Sales
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The Next Generation Of The MYSTC Trucking Software Launches July 1, 2019


July 1st 2019 marks a huge transition point in the history of MYSTC Software. From this date forward all new sales of MYSTC trucking software will go on our new version of the program. This is a very exciting time for our company and for our users.

If you were not already aware, we have rebuilt MYSTC from the ground up. This was a decision that came after many discussions both internally and with our customers. Our conclusion after much consideration was that in order to continue to improve MYSTC and compete in the trucking software market, we had to rebuild. This was a daunting task but our team put in countless hours of work and produced a program that we all could stand behind. This process allowed us to take the best aspects of the legacy system and implement the dream projects our customers had been requesting. Similarly there were quirks in the old system that drove us crazy, thankfully we were able to leave those behind. Ultimately this will be a winwin for all involved although there is still a lot of hard work to be done and challenges we will face during this transition period.

Our existing MYSTC trucking software users will be encouraged to migrate to the new system but not forced. For the foreseeable future we will support both programs, although eventually we may discontinue support for the legacy system. This particular group of users will both be excited and scared of this transition. Obviously they will benefit greatly from our improvements considering their requests/complaints drove many of the changes but they are also comfortable using the legacy version and —change is scary. This group is the most important to our staff and our main goal is to make this transition as painless as possible. We will have a method of transferring the majority of their account info into the new system and our support staff will be prepared to handhold these accounts through the transition process.

Another challenge we face is building out the new program. We built the new system to accommodate 85% of our business and cover their most immediate needs. Full truckload OTR carriers are the majority of NASTC Members and subsequently MYSTC users. The new program covers all the needs for carriers that fit this profile. Carriers who have a more unique operation LTL, car haulers, carriers who utilize EDI will have to wait a little longer to join us on the new program. While you may see this as disappointing, it is in fact in everyone’s best interest. One of the clear advantages we had when designing this new version was the fact we had built software before and could learn from our own mistakes. Most of the aforementioned features were made with great haste in the legacy version and there was a huge cost. There were bugs and irrational features. Our goal is to not rush down that road again. We will roll these features out only after putting in a lot of thought and planning along with feedback from our customers.

There will be a lot of work to do in the support and training departments as well. When MYSTC was first started there were not a lot of web based programs in any market, especially trucking. At that time users needed absolute hand-holding during the onboarding process. Every account required several hours of training in order to go live. Fast forward 15 years and a lot has changed. Our customers do everything online. They use many programs in their day to day lives that require little to no one-on-one training. Most programs use library’s of instructional videos so their users can onboard themselves at their convenience. MYSTC will not eliminate the personal touch of our training but will provide a much needed library of training videos and articles. We have already begun producing this material but there will be an ongoing process to keep these training tools fresh and up to date.

The next year will be a lot of hard work and fun for the MYSTC team and we hope to have you be apart of the ride. If you tried MYSTC in the past reach out to see what he changed. We have a special offer to those who get on early and we are taking those names now. We look forward to hearing from you.

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